José’s Transformation: How Spanish Care Access Led to a Path of Pain Relief

2 min read

José’s struggle with pain, stress, and access to care

José, a 44-year-old construction worker, had been experiencing persistent neck and shoulder pain due to the strenuous physical demands of his job. This ongoing discomfort was negatively impacting his work productivity, his ability to manage daily stress, and the quality of his sleep.

But accessing care was more challenging than he expected. His demanding work schedule made it difficult to attend in person physical therapy sessions, and as a native Spanish speaker—like one in eight Americans—he faced communication barriers with predominantly English speaking care providers. José believed that a Spanish-speaking provider would be able to more effectively understand and address his specific health needs.

José’s challenges

  • Chronic neck and shoulder pain
  • High levels of stress
  • Poor flexibility
  • Decreased productivity at work

“At first, I signed up in English, but as soon as I found out I could use the app in Spanish, I got way more into it. Chatting with a health coach in my language made me feel understood and comfortable. I could explain my worries better and get advice that felt just right for me."

José - Kaia user

José’s path to pain relief with Spanish-language support

In November 2023, José enrolled in Kaia Health, a benefit provided by his employer. Unlike other digital MSK solutions that may offer limited features in Spanish, Kaia provided José with a holistic, end-to-end experience in Spanish, including daily exercises, educational content, video voice-overs, and audiovisual exercise feedback from Kaia’s proprietary computer vision technology, Motion Coach™. He also benefited from working directly with a Spanish-speaking health coach, allowing for regular and effective communication tailored to his needs.

How Kaia Health helped

Since enrolling in Kaia, José has made significant progress towards his health goals. To date, he has completed 40 sessions within the app, frequently utilizing the focused breathing exercises to manage stress at work and home. José actively engages with his assigned health coach via the in-app chat, and has participated in two live-coaching sessions. These interactions provide valuable new insights into his health and wellbeing, and keep him motivated. He particularly values his coach as an accountability partner, helping him stay enthusiastic and engaged in the process.

The positive impact of culturally-inclusive care

José continues to actively use the Kaia app, leveraging the Spanish-language resources to maintain his pain-free status and further improve his sleep and flexibility. His story is a prime example of how access to personalized, culturally inclusive support can empower individuals across the globe to achieve significant improvements in pain and function.

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Disclaimer: The following case study has been anonymized to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the individual involved. All names, identifying details, and photographs have been altered or removed. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real organizations is purely coincidental.

Further Reading