Motion Coach™

Real-time exercise guidance and feedback through your smartphone or tablet.

What is Motion Coach™?

With the front-facing camera of a smartphone or tablet, Kaia Health’s motion analysis technology and proprietary AI algorithms can analyze your movements in real time to evaluate form and posture and provide audiovisual exercise feedback.

What can Motion Coach™ do?

  • Track body movement

    Identify key body landmarks through the camera to understand movement and posture.

  • Ensure proper form during exercise

    Make exercising safe and effective by analyzing form and delivering real-time corrective feedback.

  • Evaluate overall health

    Measure flexibility, range of motion, and stability to determine functional ability.

A man wearing a towel around his shoulders and holding a water bottle while looking at a smartphone.

No sensors or equipment required.

Kaia Health does not require wearable sensors, straps or other equipment for motion tracking and exercise feedback. Motion Coach™ runs directly on your own smartphone or tablet.

Kaia Health is compatible with:

iOS (iPhone 6S or beyond)

Android (Android 5.0 or beyond)

Motion Coach™ vs Wearable Sensors