Maureen’s Transformation: How an Integrative Approach Improved Pelvic Health and Well-Being

3 min read

Navigating pelvic health – Maureen’s quest for clarity and accessible care

At 75, Maureen had been grappling with chronic pain in her hips, knees, and neck for several years, severely limiting her ability to be physically active and involved in social activities with her family and friends. To make matters worse, after undergoing back surgery, Maureen began to experience bladder incontinence due to weakened pelvic floor muscles.

Determined to improve her quality of life, Maureen had attempted to address her pelvic health concerns years ago, but could not find any resources that explained her treatment options in a clear and understandable way. Her reduced mobility also made regular visits to healthcare facilities difficult.

To regain control over her health and independence, Maureen wanted a user-friendly treatment option that would address all her health concerns comprehensively, adapt to her lifestyle, and enable her to progress at her own pace within the comfort and privacy of her home.

Maureen’s Challenges 

  • Chronic hip, knee, and neck pain
  • Limited mobility, restricting her ability to participate in everyday activities
  • Bladder incontinence due to weakened pelvic floor muscles after back surgery
  • Low health literacy and difficulties in accessing in-person care facilities

Maureen’s path to improved well-being with holistic pain and pelvic floor support

In February 2023, Maureen began her journey with Kaia Health, which guided her through an integrated healing process. The program began with targeted therapy for her hips and knees, progressing to treatments for her neck and shoulders, and incorporating the Kaia Balance Program to enhance her overall mobility. Each step prepared Maureen to get the most out of her enrollment in the supplemental therapy track for pelvic floor disorders, to address her bowel and bladder concerns.

Despite initial setbacks–including mild wrist sprain, tennis elbow, and challenges with foot alignment, Maureen successfully integrated regular exercises, Kaia Flow yoga sessions, and relaxation activities into her daily routine. The app’s detailed explanations, which highlighted the targeted muscle groups and health benefits of each exercise, helped her understand the purpose of each session and get the most out of her program.

Maureen’s progress with Kaia Health

Thanks to the user-friendly and accessible features of the Kaia app, Maureen has successfully completed over 340 sessions, including targeted exercises for her hips and neck, supplemental exercises for pelvic floor and balance, as well as relaxation and breathing exercises. Maureen has also benefited from over 15 1:1 sessions with her Kaia coach who has helped her stay motivated, set attainable goals, and progress safely and effectively from one therapeutic focus to another.

With Kaia, Maureen has made remarkable progress, reporting improved flexibility, strength, and the ability to perform the Kaia Flow yoga exercises more effortlessly. With regular exercise, Maureen also increased her confidence in managing her health and is less afraid of physical activity in her everyday life.

The positive impact of comprehensive care

Maureen continues to thrive with the Kaia Health program, maintaining a regular routine of exercise, relaxation, and pelvic health education activities. Her story is a prime example of why holistic care delivery is crucial. By addressing all her conditions and co morbidities simultaneously, through a whole body approach to care, Maureen has achieved remarkable improvements to her overall health and wellbeing.

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Disclaimer: The following case study has been anonymized to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the individual involved. All names, identifying details, and photographs have been altered or removed. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real organizations is purely coincidental.

Further Reading