Meet the Kaia Health Clinical Team: Amy

Meet Amy, a Physical Therapist focused on empowering people with chronic conditions to improve their quality of life.

4 min read

What sets the Kaia Health Care Team apart?

At Kaia Health (Kaia), we are passionate about helping those suffering from back, joint, and chronic pain find relief, and improve their quality of life. Kaia users have access to anytime, anywhere digital therapy – which includes physical exercises, guided meditations, and educational content – as well as 1:1 support from a Kaia Health Coach or Physical Therapist. Each member of the Kaia Care Team brings to the table an extensive background and unique expertise to ensure that each and every user receives the personalized support and guidance they need to make progress toward their pain relief goals.

Meet Amy!

Amy is a physical therapist focused on empowering people with chronic conditions to improve their quality of life. She specializes in chronic complex musculoskeletal and pelvic conditions utilizing a psychologically-informed and personalized approach.

We sat down with Amy to learn more about her career, passions, goals, and personal favorites.

Meet Amy, a Kaia Physical Therapist focused on empowering people with chronic conditions to improve their quality of life.

Why did you decide to study physical therapy?

While my choice to specialize in persistent pain was driven by personal reasons, my path to becoming a physical therapist wasn’t the typical story of getting injured in sports and then pursuing physical therapy.

I decided to dedicate my career to physical therapy during a medical mission trip in Kenya, Africa. During this trip, I was still in the process of narrowing down which healthcare profession was right for me. One of the doctors asked what I loved most about the field of medicine. I told them I loved learning why people do what they do, the complexity of the human mind and body, solving puzzles, and listening to people’s stories.

Through that conversation, we pinpointed physical therapy as the perfect fit. It offered a deep connection with patients and encapsulated everything I cherished about medicine. Less than a year after returning from the trip, I enrolled in graduate school, and I’m forever grateful for that life-changing conversation.

How many years have you been a Physical Therapist?


What helps keep you motivated?

As a child, I was always asking “why?” Curiosity seemed to be my constant companion, driving me to seek understanding and knowledge at every turn. I questioned everything, from the simple to the complex, eager to unravel the mysteries of the world around me.

This insatiable thirst for knowledge didn’t fade with age. Instead, it evolved into a deep appreciation for constant learning. I realized that asking “why” was not just a way to satisfy my curiosity, but a powerful tool for growth and discovery. Embracing this mindset, I found joy in exploring new ideas, challenging my assumptions, and expanding my horizons.

Today, my relentless pursuit of knowledge continues to shape my life, driving me to seek out new experiences, learn from diverse perspectives, and never settle for complacency. As I look back on my childhood of endless “whys,” I am grateful for the foundation it laid, instilling in me a lifelong passion for learning and a profound appreciation for the journey of discovery.

What is the most common misconception about pain management?

A big misconception is that pain management only needs to address the physical aspects of an injury. A holistic approach is vital.

In general, it is encouraging that the medical field is beginning to view patients as complex emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual human beings, rather than just body parts. The more we acknowledge the depth and layers beneath a patient’s pain beyond just their injury, the more we can empower them to improve their quality of life.

Outside of work, what do you like to do for fun?

I love to camp, hike, and listen to music (both live concerts and on my record player). A life goal is to go to a concert in each state of the United States. I also love to write, read, and listen to podcasts.

Do you have any pets?

I have an eight-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback ‘Morrison,’ named after Van Morrison, my favorite music artist.

Amy and her eight-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback, Morrison.
Amy with her eight-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback, Morrison

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

You don’t have to compromise your convictions to be compassionate.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?

I would continue to road trip through the United States. I have camped/adventured through almost 30 states with my dog and have so much more to explore! Oregon and Washington are next on my list. Switzerland is next on my list for international travel.

More about Amy, Physical Therapist on Clinical Operations Team, Kaia Health

Amy began her career over a decade ago, specializing in chronic, complex neurologic and orthopedic conditions at a private outpatient clinic in Colorado Springs, CO. As she honed her skills, Amy recognized a gap in treatment options for pelvic health issues and subsequently developed expertise in this area while working at a specialty clinic in Denver, CO. Amy has been lucky to work in clinics that prioritize ethical and personalized care, shaping her into the dedicated clinician she is today.

Throughout her journey as a physical therapist, Amy observed a lack of comprehensive and empathetic physical therapy options for individuals experiencing pain and co-occurring mental health conditions, substance use disorders, trauma, and autoimmune conditions or chronic illnesses. Her dedication to integrating pain management with holistic care has evolved into her central passion, guiding her approach to treating and supporting her patients.

Amy has practiced telehealth physical therapy (telePT) for multiple years now and has witnessed the value it brings, particularly for those unable to visit a clinic physically. She loves working at Kaia alongside many talented individuals.

To learn more about the Kaia pain management program, and 1:1 digital health coaching, visit 

Further Reading