Driving Change with digital therapeutics During Challenging Times

The ever-critical role of healthcare access and deliverability in the digital age.

2 min read
A woman sits on her bed with her eyes closed.

Times are changing. Healthcare access and deliverability have improved exponentially in the past decade, where digital therapeutics (DTx) and remote patient solutions have driven real impact. Although the winds of change are not always positive, as we have seen recently with the COVID-19 outbreak, these shifts have caused the entire healthcare ecosystem to hone in on how technology and a human touch can drive change.

In the world of digital health and therapeutics, this includes efficient and affordable deliverability of solutions through multiple devices at home, regardless of rapidly evolving family and work situations.

A look forward and our ask of the DTx industry

What do the coming days and weeks look like for healthcare access? We are hopeful. First and foremost, at Kaia Health, we are working to reinforce our mission to serve partners and their populations in need with remote musculoskeletal health and COPD solutions. This includes accelerating onboarding for large employers and health plans.

We believe the DTx industry at large has an important role to play in healthcare access during this transitionary period for many organizations and their workforces. In fact, the COVID-19 outbreak only highlights the growing need for, and importance of, remote patient monitoring and DTx. We need to hold our industry responsible for driving change with technology and a human touch.

The shift to digital healthcare delivery

While unique delivery mediums are nothing new, the current environment is going to drive the shift to mobile and online solutions rapidly, with a focus on at-home access. This will occur concurrently with the increased level of remote and temporarily displaced workers. Over the next couple of months, expect:

  • A boost in the power and importance of engagement in driving DTx adoption, health outcomes and bottom-line business results.
  • Greater demand to meet employees and members where they are – at home, in the office or on the move. This means leveraging the power of digital to engage users with a best-in-class experience at every touchpoint.
  • An increased emphasis on security and data protection, given that point of care is changing rapidly.

Despite uncertainty in the ecosystem and our workplaces, it is clear that all sides of the healthcare and wellbeing equation are putting their populations first, introducing engaging solutions to keep members connected, happy and healthy. During these challenging times, our team is here for you – Please reach out anytime.

Further Reading