Break the Cycle of Back Pain and Poor Sleep

Back pain can disrupt your sleep, and poor sleep can exacerbate your back pain. It’s called the pain-insomnia cycle, and it can have a serious impact on your physical and mental health. The good news? It can be beat.

6 min read

How poor sleep makes back pain worse

Back pain and insomnia can be a “chicken and the egg” situation: downright impossible to decipher which came first or what caused what. That’s because back pain and poor sleep are closely related, with each contributing to the other. Back pain can cause insomnia, and insomnia can actually make back pain worse.⁴⁻⁷ This feedback loop is known as the pain-insomnia cycle and once you’re stuck in its rut, it can be hard to break free.

Illustration of man with lower back pain next to a woman with insomnia.
The Back Pain–Insomnia Cycle

While back pain can flare up at any time, it has a tendency to wreak havoc during those late night hours, leaving you sleepless, frustrated, and achy the next morning. Here are a few reasons why back pain seems to intensify at night:

Heightened awareness: As you settle into bed in a quiet, dark room, the lack of daytime distractions can make you more aware of your pain and turn up the volume on your discomfort.

Interrupted sleep cycles: Back pain can cause you to wake up frequently throughout the night, preventing you from getting the deep sleep your body needs to feel refreshed.

Inflammation issues: Back pain often comes hand-in-hand with inflammation which can be caused by various conditions like arthritis or sinusitis. This inflammation can exacerbate pain and significantly impair the quality of your sleep.

Are you waking up to back pain?

Think of your night without enough sleep as a missed opportunity for your body to hit the “reset” button. In the world of sleep and pain, missing out on those precious hours is more than just an inconvenience; it can actually turn up the dial on your back pain.

Here’s how poor sleep can cause lower back pain:

Increased pain sensitivity: Without enough rest, everything feels a bit more intense, including pain. In fact, lack of quality sleep can even trigger your central nervous system to experience pain signals more intensely, and lower your overall pain tolerance.¹⁴

Muscle recovery: During sleep, your body undergoes critical repair processes, including muscle growth and tissue repair. This lack of recovery can lead to a decrease in muscle strength and endurance, which can make your back more susceptible to pain and injury.¹⁵

Stress and tension buildup: Poor sleep can lead to higher stress levels and even depression¹⁶, which often result in tenser muscles. For those already dealing with back issues, this added tension can exacerbate pain, creating a vicious cycle of stress and discomfort that further disrupts sleep.

Looking for some relief? Try these Five Exercises to Relieve Lower-Back Pain.

How back pain–related insomnia affects the mind and body

Getting plenty of rest is incredibly important for your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. If you’ve suffered from even one night of disrupted sleep, then you know how painful it can be. When back pain is the culprit for poor sleep, you may also notice difficulties with your physical functioning, mood, energy level, and even your overall outlook.⁴ ⁷

Over time, poor sleep can lead to other health issues as well, including lowered immunity and foggy or impaired thinking.⁴ That’s why it’s important to address back pain and insomnia early on before they snowball into more serious ailments.⁵ Here are a few exercises you can do from home to reduce back pain and help you get a good night’s sleep.

How to sleep with lower back pain

In addition to addressing your pain through physical therapy exercises, stretches, and proper ergonomics, we recommend sticking to the following healthy sleep tips:

🔵 Tip #1: Have consistent sleep/wake times, even on weekends. This helps you to set a solid sleep-wake cycle.¹¹

🔵 Tip #2: Relax and wind down before bedtime. You may benefit from a little light stretching, meditation, cozying up with a good book, or having a small snack before bed. This will encourage your mind and body to unwind.¹¹

🔵 Tip #3: Prep your bedroom for sleep. Keep the temperature comfortable (not too warm) and eliminate light and sound as much as possible. Make sure your mattress and pillows are in good condition and adequately support your body. (Nix any old pancake-flat pillows!)¹¹

🔵 Tip #4: Power down devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime. Light from your laptop and phone screen can rev your brain up when it should really be winding down.¹² Let your brain know it’s shut-eye time by turning devices off at least a half-hour before bed.¹¹

🔵 Tip #5: Whether you’re a side, back, or stomach sleeper, there’s a supportive sleep position for everyone. The Mayo Clinic recommends the following sleep positions to help with back pain¹³:

Side: Draw your legs up slightly to your chest and put a pillow between your legs. Put a pillow under your head.

Back: Put a pillow under your knees, a small rolled towel under the curve of your back, and a pillow under your head.

Stomach: Put a pillow under your pelvis. If it doesn’t strain the back, slide a pillow under your head, too. If this causes back strain, try sleeping without a head pillow.

Struggling to wind down after a stressful day? Here are 10 tips to help you find calm in chaos.

Better sleep, less pain, a happier you

Breaking the cycle of back pain and insomnia might seem daunting, but small, manageable changes can make a significant difference. By integrating gentle physical therapy exercises into your daily routine, and adjusting your sleep environment and bedtime habits, you can start to take control of your pain and improve the quality of your sleep for a happy, healthier you.

Learn how the Kaia pain management app can help you stretch, strengthen, and calm both your body and mind to manage back pain and improve the quality of your sleep.


  1. Alsaadi SM, McAuley JH, Hush JM, Maher CG. Prevalence of sleep disturbance in patients with low back pain. Eur Spine J. 2011;20(5):737-743.
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  3. Bahouq H, Allali F, Rkain H, Hmamouchi I, Hajjaj-Hassouni N. Prevalence and severity of insomnia in chronic low back pain patients. Rheumatol Int. 2013;33(5):1277-1281.
  4. Deardorff WW. Chronic pain and insomnia: breaking the cycle. SPINE-health website. Accessed April 26, 2019.
  5. Purushothaman B, Singh A, Lingutla K, Bhatia C, Pollock R, Krishna M. Prevalence of insomnia in patients with chronic back pain. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2013;21(1):68-70.
  6. Schrimpf M, Liegl G, Boeckle M, Leitner A, Geisler P, Pieh C. The effect of sleep deprivation on pain perception in healthy subjects: a meta-analysis. Sleep Med. 2015;16(11):1313-1320.
  7. Gerhart JI, Burns JW, Post KM, et al. Relationships between sleep quality and pain-related factors for people with chronic low back pain: tests of reciprocal and time of day effects. Ann Behav Med. 2017;51(3):365-375.
  8. Wilson D. How inflammation and pain affect your sleep. Dr. Doni website. Accessed April 29, 2019.
  9. Raison CL, Rye DB, Woolwine BJ, et al. Chronic interferon-alpha administration disrupts sleep continuity and depth in patients with hepatitis C: association with fatigue, motor slowing and increased evening cortisol. Biol Psychiatry. 2010;68(10):942-949.
  10. National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Low back pain fact sheet. Accessed April 29, 2019.
  11. Healthy sleep tips. website. Updated July 30, 2020. Accessed September 22, 2020.
  12. Grandner MA, Gallagher RA, Gooneratne NS. The use of technology at night: impact on sleep and health. J Clin Sleep Med. 2013;9(12):1301-1302.
  13. Mayo Clinic. Slide show: sleeping positions that reduce back pain. Accessed April 29, 2019.
  14. Burton E, Campbell C, Robinson M, et al. Sleep mediates the relationship between central sensitization and clinical pain. The journal of pain. 2016; 17(4): S56.
  15. Walker M. Why we sleep: unlocking the power of sleep and dreams. Scribner; 2017: 168.
  16. Linton, SJ. A review of psychological risk factors in back and neck pain. Spine. 2000 May; 25(9):1148-56.

Further Reading